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I am an Intuitive Usui Reiki Practitioner and my mission is to help others feel heard, safe, inspired and peaceful in a trauma-aware environment.


Each of our journeys are unique and in Reiki, we look to Masaru Emoto’s study on how intention can “treat” the formation of ice crystals understand how energy output can manipulate our physical reality. Usui Reiki was first discovered by Master Mikao Usui , who combines the Spiritual Practice with Esoteric Teachings to deepen the healings and helps us to train ourselves to realise what was there all along but hidden by our own ignorance. We would usually have a conversation about the teachings before a healing.


Since my initiation in Usui Reiki and one on one esoteric training with my teacher Sahera Parveen, who gracefully taught me the knowledge from the 13 Essenian Arts of Healing, I have become a kinder, more highly conscious intuitive. With Sahera’s guidance, I have been on the path to purify my karma and tune my consciousness to higher frequencies.


In my own experience, I have found Reiki to be highly effective in treating mental health and physical health, alleviating bodily pain.




I am qualified in Usui Reiki Healing to the second degree and through my years of practice, I have been working towards my Master Degree, so that I can teach others in the healing arts.


professional registrations

I am fully insured and registered as a Usui Reiki Master


A One hour Reiki Healing session will cost £35.75. This will involve hands on healing and deep relaxation in a safe environment and a pre-treatment conversation via telephone. 

 For enquiries on Essenian healings, please get in touch.

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